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Hello and welcome to Shutte Studios. My name is Mitchell Lawrence Shutte (as in shut the door), founder of Shutte Studios. I am a skilled 3D artist who designs, models, and rigs ferocious monsters, characters, robots, aliens, etc. But I also do cute and cuddly creatures, as well as cartoon assets so as to satisfy not only adults, but also the kid within us all. So if you need a proper villain, or a nightmare of a monster to challenge the protagonist of your story, or you need a comical and funny looking little critter to be the comic relief of your story, then drop a call and we'll see if I can be of any help. Or perhaps you just need a rig that has all the bells and whistles that will make your animation experience that much easier, then again by all means contact me. I am always up for a challenge. I enjoy what I do, and I intend to do this for the rest of my life, because I have a lot of fun scaring people, or making them laugh so hard, they need surgery.

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